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Marcus Peacock

Hey Aaron, I wanted to address your suggestion that I respond directly to the comments on the California Waiver decision.

First, I'm glad my blog continues to provide another forum for communication. I read all the comments and, of course, others do to.

Second, as you fairly point out, my blog focuses on my work and, occasionally, personal observations. I avoid topics that are not in my wheelhouse especially if they are covered by EPA news releases or other EPA communications. I have touched on the California Waiver issue twice, both times in the context of the Air Office's large workload, something that I do worry about as part of my job. The Administrator, who made the Waiver decision, will continue to have many opportunities to describe his decision, in writing, in hearings, and in court. I don't think any comments by me can provide more illumination than that.

Finally, I'm glad you raised the Quarterly Management Report. It's fairly new but, among other things, I want it to be a tool for the public to hold EPA accountable for getting results. If anyone has suggestions for how to improve it. Let me know. Just leave a comment at Flow of the River.

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